Gestational Diabetes-know the reason for diabetes in pregnancy and preventive measures
Diabetes in Pregnancy(Gestational Diabetes) During pregnancy, there are many changes in women. Sometimes, blood sugar level in some women is greatly increased, this condition is called Gestational Diabetes.If diabetes occurs during pregnancy, its treatment is very important. During pregnancy, there are many changes in women. Sometimes, blood sugar level in some women is greatly increased, this condition is called Gestational Diabetes. Although this disease ends in pregnant women after childbirth, but it can cause many problems in pregnancy. Gestational diabetes can have a bad effect on a child's health. Causes of Increasing Sugar Level can also affect the health of the mother due to increased sugar levels in pregnancy. In the case of diabetes in pregnancy, special care of the diet is required. Gestational diabetes may also increase the risk of premature baby and miscarriage.
Cause of diabetes
There is also a change in the blood sugar level in the body of women during pregnancy. In some women, the blood sugar level increases significantly during pregnancy time. Women who are overweight may have a higher risk of gestational diabetes. Correct treatment of diabetes in pregnancy is necessary. If this is not done, the health of the unborn child can be adversely affected.
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Premature baby and risk of miscarriage
During gestational diabetes, the pancreas produces more insulin, but the insulin does not lower blood sugar levels. Although insulin does not pass through the placenta, glucose and nutrients pass. In such a situation, the blood sugar level of the unborn child can also increase. Because the child starts getting excess energy, which accumulates in the form of fat. This increases the weight of the baby and increases the risk of premature birth.What to do if diabetes is not in pregnancy
Diabetes requires special care. It is important to keep checking the blood sugar level. To avoid diabetes in pregnant women, one has to pay attention to lifestyle and food. An active lifestyle with a healthy diet and a balanced diet can control diabetes.What to do if you have gestational diabetes
- Sweet drinks should not be consumed.- Exercise should be done regularly.
- Children born in the womb and eat timely and balanced food for themselves.
- Consumption of carbohydrates and sugar foods should be minimized.
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