Diabetes is a dangerous disease that slowly hollows out the body. Once this disease occurs, it stays with you lifetime. An increase in blood sugar causes this disease and insulin does not work properly. That is, and the person also has to face many problems. If you ignored this then other parts of the body can become inactive. Therefore, to prevent complications in diabetes, it is very important to keep some things in mind. Below we talk about 7 effective diabetes prevention tips that you can follow to avoid diabetes.HOW TO PREVENT DIABETES-7 EFFECTIVE TIPS
Diabetes patients should have their blood glucose checked regularly. With the blood sugar test kit, you can easily determine the level of your glucose. For this, it is necessary to follow the instructions given by the doctor.
Eat a low calorie, especially a low saturated fat diet. Several researches have shown that fat intake should not exceed 30 percent of total calorie intake while saturated fat (saturated fat) should be taken up to only 10 percent. Include fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, fresh dairy products and sources of omega-3 fats in your diet. Apart from this, consume plenty of fiber too. It is the most important factor for diabetes prevention.
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Exercise is the best way to stay healthy. It prevents problems during diabetes and keeps the whole body healthy. This will make you feel refreshed and energetic every day. People who are overweight and obese should include exercise in their daily activities. This will help keep your blood sugar levels under control.
People who smoke have twice the risk of diabetes. You will have to quit this habit only then other changes will be able to have a complete effect on your health. People who drink excess alcohol gain weight rapidly. Obesity also increases the complications of diabetes. If you have prediabetes, excessive consumption of alcohol can cause diabetes.
The more you stress, the more you will follow unhealthy habits. Several researches have shown that the secretion of hormones is inhibited due to stress and this increases the level of blood glucose. So
try ways to avoid stress.
If you have diabetes, you should take special care of your teeth, because the diabetes victims are prone to bacterial infections and gum disease. For this, you brush your teeth 2 times a day. Dental checkups should be done from time to time by the dentist. Diabetic patients also have the problem of appearing low. Therefore, do eye checkups once in every 6 months.
There is no evidence that diabetes can be prevented lifetime. As you get older, the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health problems are also associated with diabetes. Therefore, after the age of 45, it is necessary to undergo a complete health check-up regularly every year. Regular health checkup is very important to prevent diabetes
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By applying the above 7 effective diabetes prevention tips by which you can prevent diabetes, But I will recommend you to consult any doctor if you see any symptoms.
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