What is insulin resistance, Reasons and Symptoms

What is Insulin Resistance- It occurs when the body's ability to absorb glucose cells and use blood sugar for energy begins to decrease. This increases the risk of developing prediabetes and eventually leads to type 2 diabetes. In such a situation, if the pancreas does not make or produce enough insulin, then the body is unable to use it, due to which the probability of developing diabetes gradually increases.

Below we read( what is insulin resistance, what happens in type 2 diabetes, how is the body insulin resistance, Insulin resistance symptoms, cause of insulin resistance, how to avoid insulin resistance).

What is insulin resistance

What is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin is a hormone that is secreted in the pancreas by a group of cells called beta cells. It helps in the absorption of sugar by other cells of the body to get energy. It is a similar condition in which cells are not able to absorb blood sugar, leading to increased blood sugar levels.

In a person with prediabetes, the pancreas works hard to release enough insulin to remove the body's resistance and keep blood sugar levels down. Over time, the pancreas's ability to release insulin begins to decrease, leading to the development of type 2 diabetes. It is a major feature of diabetes( type 2).

What happens in type 2 diabetes?

- The stomach breaks down food and makes glucose and it gets mixed up in the blood.
- But in people who have type 2 diabetes, the pancreas makes insulin, but the body is not able to use it.
After this, the glucose in the body is not able to circulate in the blood and in this way the glucose level of the body increases.

How is the body insulin resistance 

Insulin is required to regulate the amount of glucose that flows into the blood. This motivates cells to absorb glucose. Insulin instructs the liver to store some glucose instead of releasing glucose into the bloodstream. The liver packages glucose for storage in the form of glycogen. Insulin usually helps the body maintain a good balance of energy, never letting blood sugar levels rise for too long. The causes of insulin resistance remain complex and researchers continue to investigate. Some steps underline the medical community's current understanding of insulin resistance. like-

When the cells of the body are less affected by insulin.
This resistance initially releases more insulin to the pancreas to maintain safe blood sugar levels.
Pancreas cells become unable to release additional insulin to compensate for increased resistance.
When high levels of blood sugar develop, prediabetes develops and type 2 diabetes develops. '

Insulin resistance symptoms

It usually does not present some symptoms until diabetes develops. The CDC reports that 90 percent of people with prediabetes are not aware of their condition. It can also cause the following health issues:

Acanthosis nigricans (skin irritations): This skin condition can develop in people with insulin resistance. Dark patches are formed on the back of the waist, armpits, and neck.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): It can worsen PCOS symptoms, which may include irregular periods, infertility, and other troubles. It causes pain. Doctors associate high levels of insulin in the blood with an increased risk of vesicular diseases, such as heart disease.

Causes of insulin resistance

  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Lack of exercise or yoga
  • Smoking
  • Sleep problem
  • high blood pressure

How to avoid insulin resistance

It is not possible to influence some risk factors for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, such as family history and genes. However, a person may take some steps to reduce his chances of becoming insulin resistant. In this case, some similar strategies may be important to prevent heart-related diseases and strokes. According to the American Heart Association (AHA) report, We can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by making preventive lifestyle changes,  reduce weight and increase physical activity.

  • Exercise because after this the muscles become more sensitive to insulin and this inhibits insulin resistance.
  • Waitlist and try to reduce obesity through exercise.
  • After this, you can control obesity by dieting.
  • Gradually increase physical activity levels, replacing one item per meal with a healthy, low carbohydrate option.
  • The most effective way to reduce insulin resistance is to correct diet and exercise.
  •  Avoid getting fat.
  • Balance the sleep and stress.